SYFC Rules & Regulations


AIM: This Group Is Focused On Mentoring Us All On What To Do Daily In Maximizing Our Income Leverage In SYFC. (SYFC: Secure Your Future Crusaders)

We have people from the Secure Your Future Campaign In Ibadan and the Daily Income Stores Campaign Online.

Both Campaign names are together and are working towards the same goal.

We have the offline and online method of managing the team of people which makes it possible for anyone to be part of our system thereby making the business doable for everyone irrespective of our Religion, Location Or Gender

We would have lectures that are in line with Knowing the in and out of our Account Dashboard, learning the online and offline way of doing the business with less hassles and duplicating our individual team from ourselves downwards which yields in the daily residual income.

I understand that everyone on this group has one or two things doing, i don’t expect everyone to be online in each of our meetings, due to different things many of us might have at hand at the time of the meeting.

I am glad that is an online training and everyone can always come back at our leisure time to read up on the lectures and then follow up by dropping your contributions and asking your questions which will clear our doubts and impact us with knowledge about the business module.

Please, there should be no other posts on this group aside contributions of messages that relate to the business purpose of the Group.

If anyone has something personal which he or she might not want everyone to hear, please feel free to ask or share such information with the admins, kindly look up any of the admins and share the contribution or ask the admin the question.

We will then expedite such information to all of us here.

For the purpose of everyone being able to actively participate in this Group, we will allow everyone to comment on the Group at all times, but please let’s use the comment section judiciously so we don’t have anyone posting things that are not part of the business.

Example: Malicious Links, Other Businesses Of Any Kind, Religious, Scriptural Quotes or Motivational Messages, Political related posts and many others…

(all of these are not allowed here, this is make sure we always have a serene environment in here.)

Once Again, Your Daily Questions & Contributions Are All Welcome.

Please Be An Active Participant On Board & Kindly Comply With The Rules and Regulations Guarding The Group.

God Bless Us All.